Frances Stoakley
Precautions, policies and procedures
Government & Shiatsu Society Back to Work Guidelines:
Close Contact Services (which includes Holistic Acupressure and Shiatsu), from a clinic, own home or mobile working (home visits) are all permittable from the 12th April 2021 in England.

I am very happy to announce that as of Thursday 20th May 2021, Connective Space Shiatsu will be OPEN for face-to-face sessions!
To meet Government and insurance guidelines and to make sure you feel comfortable when you come for a session, I have put various precautions and procedures in place.
Attending the clinic does increase both your and my risk of contracting Covid-19 but all the necessary steps have been put in place as follows to keep this risk as low as possible.
Reducing risk of transmission:
I will be wearing a mask during your visit. I am asking all clients to wear some form of mouth and nose covering, a cloth covering or homemade mask is acceptable, as are medical grade masks (unless exempt). If you don't have a suitable covering then I have disposable masks that you can purchase for £1.
The nature of the session means that we will to be closer than 2 metres at times.
Cleaning, disinfecting and ventilation of the space:
Please be assured that before and after your session everything that you touch will be cleaned with disinfectant spray and wiped down, including the futon, bolster, pillow covers, chair, any equipment that you use, door handles etc. The futon, bolster cushion and pillows have fully wipe-down coverings. I will use a fresh cloth for each client for any head work - which will have been washed at 60 degrees between uses.
I will also be opening windows and the door to ventilate the room between clients and have allowed extra time between clients to do this.
If you would like to bring your own sheet or blanket to lie or and/or cover you to keep warm, please do so.
If you would like the window to be kept open during your session please do ask. I suggest bringing a blanket to keep you warm if this is the case.
Please be on time for your appointment. I am not able to let you in to the building early and if you are late I will need to reduce the session time accordingly. This is because I am allowing time between clients to clean, disinfect and ventilate my space, so there is no time spare to allow for your being late.
Where to come for your session:
For in-person sessions at my practise space, I will meet you at the external side door entrance at your session time. Please make sure your are wearing a face-covering (unless exempt). When you come into the building I will ask you to sanitise/wash your hands before our appointment. There are hand-washing facilities available and hand sanitiser is also available in the clinic for use during/at the end of your appointment.
Toilet Facilities:
You are welcome to use the toilet facilities (ground floor) before and after our appointment but not during. This is again to keep infection and transmission risk to a minimum.
I accept cash payments, but currently prefer payment by cheque and online bank payments & PayPal; if you have an online banking app on a mobile device with you at your appointment then you can if you like complete a BACS payment at the end of the appointment. If not you are welcome to use your internet banking facility at home before or after the appointment. I don't currently accept card payments.